Transition Planning Tools

Building A Bridge Handbook

Created by the Connecticut Transition Task Force, Building A Bridge Handbook is for students and family members to help with preparation for life after high school. There are many helpful resources, including numerous checklists and lists of questions to ask a college disability director. This can be a very useful tool to help develop your transition planning.

Junior/Senior Checklist

The Junior/Senior Checklist is designed for students to focus on what's next as they consider transition to college.

Senior Checklist-World of Work

The Senior Checklist – World of Work is designed for students who plan to end the world of work.

Strengths, Interests, & Preferences Checklists

There are three options to choose from when you are talking about your strengths, interests, and preferences.

The Strengths, Interests & Preferences Form can be used to determine strengths, interests, and preferences. Choose the top 3-5 items in each section. It might also be used with a teacher to help identify strengths, interests and preferences for IEP and transition planning.

Secondary Student Interview: Strengths, Interests, Preferences - a form with fewer options to choose from, but it can also be a good discussion starter as it helps to see how strengths, interests, and preferences impact post-secondary expectation goal areas.

Middle School Strengths, Interests, and Preference Survey is a checklist of options that can be used to generate ideas with middle school students.


Youthhood is a dynamic, curriculum-based tool that can help young adults plan for life after high school. Although the site addresses youth directly, it is intended to be used as a curriculum within a classroom, community program, or in any setting where adults are working with youth to set goals and plan for the future. Youthhood includes informational content, interactive activities, an online magazine, and a wealth of other opportunities for youth to connect what’s important to them to their learning experiences.








