Child & Youth Mental Health First Aid trainings

PLAEA is offering Youth Mental Health First Aid and Child Mental Health First Aid agency-wide in person. The training helps educators to sharpen their noticing skills to the signs and symptoms of mental illness. Child MHFA is designed for educators who work with children ages 5-12 and YMHFA is designed for educators who work with adolescents ages 12-18. It is a one day training, 8:30-3:30 with 30 minutes for lunch. Participants must attend the entire day to be certified as a Mental Health First Aider.

Child Mental Health First Aid
Nov. 5 - Pocahontas AEA office
Registration deadline: Oct. 29
Click HERE for more information and to register.
Youth Mental Health First Aid
Dec. 6 - Fort Dodge AEA office
Registration deadline: Nov. 24C
lick HERE for more information and to register.